When it’s time to change your clocks because of daylight saving time, use it as a reminder to check your preparedness kit to make sure your emergency stockpile isn’t missing any items and that the food hasn’t expired. APHA’s Get Ready: Set Your Clocks, Check Your Stocks campaign is reminding people to refresh their emergency supplies before a disaster occurs.
If you haven’t created a stockpile yet, now is the time! Not sure what to include? Check our:
And as always, don’t forget to check the batteries in your smoke alarms.
This information is good year-round: You don't have to wait for the clock change to update your stockpile. So think about having these materials at your next health fair or community meeting!
Spread the word!
Social media is a great way to let people know about the importance of replenishing or building a stockpile. Use these sample tweets on your X account, or create your own using the #clocksstocks hashtag.
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