Are you ready for April showers? Myth #1: Authorities and relief agencies will provide shelter, food and medicine for everyone during a flood.
Fact: Emergency officials may not be able to reach you right away. You should be prepared with enough emergency supplies for at least the first 72 hours after a flood. Don't be April Fooled!

Are you ready for April showers? Myth #2: If you live in a 50-year flood zone, you are safe from flood for 50 years.
Fact: A 50-year flood zone is guaranteed to have a flood at least every 50 years. But that doesn't mean floods can't come earlier, too. Don't be April Fooled!

Are you ready for April showers? Myth 3: I don't need to store water for an emergency.
Fact: Water systems can be contaminated during floods. Storing enough bottled water for at least three days is important. Don't be April Fooled!